Cooperation Albert Einstein Archives / Einstein Papers Project

The Albert Einstein Archives at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Einstein Papers Project at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, California are working together on several issues of common interest, the most important of which is the maintainance of a unified database containing records of every item in the Albert Einstein Archives in Jerusalem. This database had been established in the 1990ies, based on the original paper documentation established by Einstein's private secretary of many years, Helen Dukas who, with the active help of the physicist and historian of science, Gerald Holton, took it upon herself to bring order into Einstein's paperwork after his death in 1955. Under Diana Kormos-Buchwald's guidance, the project picked up momentum and in 2003, the public database went online on In 2013, the Albert Einstein Archives (AEA) and the Einstein Papers Project (EPP) have lauched a new version of the database with a totally updated access tool with ten thousands of additional documents and thousands of freely accesible digitized documents.