Prof. Issachar Unna (1934-2021)
The staff of the Albert Einstein Archives is saddened by the news of the passing of Issachar Unna. A professor of physics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, since 1964, Issachar held numerous positions over the years,
including as member of the Einstein Academic Committee. In this capacity, he availed himself to the archives, always generous with his time and never hesitating to share of his wisdom and his Einstein expertise.
Professor Unna hailed from an illustrious rabbinic family of German descent, one where Torah and science were not perceived as in conflict, but as complementary. While still remembering Talmud learning with his grandfather,
he took it upon himself to venture into the world of physics, making it his life-long career.
With his passing, one is sorely tempted to call out: "They don't make them like this anymore.”
His absence leaves us with a huge void – We will miss him deeply.